Friday 16 November 2012

Is This The First Dragon Age III Screenshot?

An image of Dragon Age III: Inquisition was shown at the Bradford Animation Festival in England last night during a presentation by BioWare's Art and Animation Director Neil Thompson.
The image was only on-screen for a few seconds, by eagle-eyed Twitter user @dripster snapped a photo of it before it was gone. It's not exactly high-quality, but here it is:

Photo credit: Ian Palmer (@dripster)

This was apparently introduced during the presentation as the first screenshot of Dragon Age 3, but BioWare Community manager Chris Priestly has since nipped into theBioWare forums to say that the image is concept art, not a screenshot, so it's now unclear exactly what it is.
Fans are already speculating about the depicted statue. If BioWare officially releases any screens, you'll find them here.

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