Sunday 25 November 2012

Mirror's Edge 2 "Is in Production at DICE"

Mirror's Edge 2 "Is in Production at DICE"

Another unofficial confirmation.

Ben Cousins of ngmoco Sweden today stated that "it is general knowledge in the Stockholm dev scene that Mirror's Edge 2 is in production at DICE." Following an OXM article concerning DICE's future as a "Battlefield factory," Cousins perpetuated what's been widely understood for a few years. His comment confirms nothing, of course, but it's interesting to note how often the alleged sequel comes up in the development and publishing side of the industry.

Patrick Bach, an executive producer at DICE, told IGN earlier this year that Mirror's Edge was "too good to kill." Electronic Arts has been hesitant to comment on the existence of Mirror's Edge 2 since its official confirmation in 2009, although during E3 this year EA president Frank Gibeau said the sequel was still in the cards. So it certainly sounds as though Cousins' comment is warranted.
DICE is currently working on downloadable content for Battlefield 3, including Aftermath, as well as Battlefield 4, which will roll out a multiplayer beta late in 2013.
IGN has reached out to EA for comment concerning Mirror's Edge 2's alleged existence.

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