Monday 12 November 2012

Navy SEALs Punished for Medal of Honor Consulting

CBS notes that four additional SEALs who are not on SEAL Team Six but are still on active duty are also under investigation. The seven SEALs who have been punished “all received letters of reprimand which would kill their chances for promotion” and had half their pay taken away for two months.
EA repeatedly referred to the realism of Medal of Honor Warfighter’s Tier 1 operations, with reports in the past suggesting that the game was co-written by real Tier 1 operators while off-mission. While no sequences directly referencing Bin Laden’s assassination are in the game, Warfighter will receive downloadable content based on Bin Laden assassination film Zero Dark Thirty next month.
"There are no plans to recall Medal of Honor Warfighter from store shelves and we have no plans to alter the content contributed by combat veterans in the game. We have no further comments," said an EA spokesperson to IGN.

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